Saturday, November 21, 2009

Use of Secondary Colors

I had quite the difficult time to choose the color scheme for this drawing:

Darkstar Dragon by =slifertheskydragon on deviantART

The monster itself is "evil" in nature, so to illustrate that I chose a dark background, but had difficulty in choosing its color scheme. In the end i decided upon a dark blue skin accentuated by slightly saturated violet parts of the skin and in contrast, a somewhat bright green. These two colors are part of the secondary colors (purple, green, orange) and because purple and green are more on the "cool" side of the color wheel (being that they share blue as one of the primary colors used to create) I felt that worked better than using say purple with orange because I wanted a "cool" tone to the work. (Purple and orange share red as a primary used to create them, and gave a "warm" feeling to the drawing).

So in addition to the use of secondary colors to create a rather off-beat feeling a designer must consider the "side" of the color wheel that the colors originate/share in their design to create and convey the correct message/emotion.

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